Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where can I get some free antivirus protection for my Mac?

Here are some suggestions. I don't know how reliable they are but you can check it out:


(2) avast anti virus:

I may have missed it but i dont think AVG is available for Mac users.

Where can I get some free antivirus protection for my Mac?viruses

First of all why in the world would you need an antivirus program for your mac!!!!! Macs can NOT get viruses thats why its a mac!!!!!!!!!!

Where can I get some free antivirus protection for my Mac?antispam

Go to ur local apple store, they sell packs there. But wen i asked sum1 that worked there, they told me u dont need them as apples hav built in anti-virus software, and therefore they are 'ammune' to viruses.

hope this is helpful...
in all honesty you dont need any realtime protection for your MAC. They almost are never attacked by viruses.. but if you wnat some protection anyways.. go to
u can download a good and powerfull latest anti virus (internet security) software from the google website below to protect ur computer from viruses and get rid of viruses that are already found in your computer
AVG and Avast are good. Search for them on or google.
Since there are no released viruses for MacOs X, you don't need any anti-virus software. Any you get would just slow down your Mac and cause problems. There is one malware out which masquerades itself a a ''codec'' needed to view porn videos. The same malicious website in eastern europe also distributes it as a free anti-virus software for Macs. You have to agree to download and install it and provide your password. I did tech support for a school district for 10 years, I never had a Mac running MacOs X get a virus in spite of students bringing in flash drives, floppies, CDs, etc. with Windows viruses on them.
Check this out, this is where i found my avast! Home Edition anti-virus:


(more free anti-viruses to choose from)

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